Friday, October 10, 2014

13 Creative ways to use bobby pins

The trend right now is to make things seem effortless. Our make up is natural and our brows are bushy. Our sweaters are like blankets and our nails are long and neutral. Our hair is long and wavy so why, in a world of effortlessness, are we trying to pretend that our hair is perfectly staying to the side of our head? We try so hard to hide something that can be make beautiful with just a little bit of creativity. There are so many adorable ways to use bobby pins and there are also a bunch of way you can customize your bobby pins. With some hot glue and a little imagination, you can create a hair piece that perfect just for you!

Here is a collection of my favorite bobby pin uses from Pinterest.

You can follow me on Pinterest here.


So stop trying to hide your pins. Get clever try a bold new look. This is especially ideal for when you are wearing minimal makeup and muted colors. This can add an unexpected twist to your (maybe) boring hair :)


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