Thursday, August 14, 2014


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 

Lately I have been a little self conscious.
I often think about my little sister and hope that she never has to feel this way. In fact, I hope no young lady ever has to feel this way.
I hear people say, I don't care what people think of me!
Although I agree, I think that's a very unhealthy way of dealing with rejection.

We shouldn't dwell on others opinions, however, we need to hear what people are saying about us.
If someone calls me rude, I will try my best to make sure I never come off as rude again. 


I care about what GOD thinks of me.
I want to be a reflection of God, therefore I don't intentionally hurt people. So if someone tells me that I am acting a certain way, I will do my best to make sure it is glorifying God.

I want to be beautiful and that starts with filling my heart and spirit with God.

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